↑ Click on the tabs above for more detailed instructions for each choice.
Congratulations on getting started on the questionnaire.
Please answer each question as you are right now. This is important…you should answer based on your confidence of being at that point right now.
eg. If you cannot say with 100% confidence that something is in place already and requires zero input now from you it cannot be a 5.
Also if it’s something you think you want but don’t have it yet it will be at best a 1. If you are not sure, score down…not up!
Our aim is to establish where we can assist you. That implies we need you to accept where you need that assistance.
Your overall aim is to have a Profitable Investment that Works Without You. Keep thinking that as you answer the questions and be real about where you are right now.
If you aren’t sure of which response use the numbered tabs above to see an explanation for each score and an example of how to use it.
Remember there is no right or wrong…the more honest you are the better we can assist you.
Once completed your Excelerator will review your responses and contact you to discuss the next steps you decide on your journey.
Choice 0 - I don't know what this means.
You basically don't know of or have not heard of the item in the statement.
Choice 1 - Not at all. I need lots of help.
You know about the topic but have not started it, or don't have it yet. This could be something you want or need but have not been able to get it started, or simply don't know what to do.
Choice 2 - A little but needs lots of improvement.
You know about the topic and have started it but it is not ideal. An example could be that you downloaded a tool to use and have opened it and know what it's about but are not using it.
Businesses have many of these...unfinished business! A good idea at the time but then I got busy.
Choice 3 - Average. Still room for improvement though.
This is where you are using it or have it in place but it still needs improvement to have it producing as it should.
Choice 4 - Good...almost perfect.
You have nearly mastered this. This is where you are using it or have it in place but it still requires your input to make it happen.
Choice 5 - Excellent. I've got this totally in control.
You have completed it totally. No input is required from you and you don't even think about it anymore.
Let's understand all this using the overall aim of having a
Profitable Investment that Works Without You. Each word in this statement is important and very definitive.
- If you have that now completely then you would answer a 5.
That means your business is Profitable, an Investment therefore giving you an ROI, and it Works Without You ever going in and doing anything.
- If you almost have it then you would be a 4.
That means that it's nearly there but still requires some input from you. You would typically have a Management team in place.
- If you like the idea and are working on it then it would be a 3.
You would be recruiting and training your team to take over from you.
- If you have heard of and understand it, and have started it but basically it's not producing yet then that would be a 2.
You are still the main feature of your business.
- If you have heard of it but don't really understand it, and have not yet started that would be a 1.
- If you have not heard of the concept then that is a 0.
You can use this as your guide when answering the questions. Remember, it's not point scoring to get the best score. It's about getting real and clear where you are actually at right now!